The Eurêka system, the latest innovation from MASTER Industrie!

The Eurêka system is a new multi-directional and pivotal movement system allowing the telescopic seating to adapt to different types of show. Where other tiered seating requires the use of lifting and handling equipment, the Eurêka system operates and travels completely independently! 

The main innovation of this system lies in the fact that when the seating is moving, the modules and wheels of the understructure remain permanently in contact with the ground.

Controlled by a simple remote control, the seating unit moves forwards and backwards in closed position, rotates through 360° and moves sideways.  Its range of movement is reduced and its load is spread over the whole of the ground surface it covers.

Thanks to its multi-directional movements, the Eurêka system increases the range of functions and possibilities of telescopic seating systems, also allowing other storage configurations both inside and outside the hall.

What are the advantages of this innovation?

  • The sideways movement of the stand, which could previously only travel in a longitudinal direction. The multi-directional movement in the X and Y axes and 360° rotation.
  • A travelling solution built into the bleachers which does not require any lifting equipment.
  • A new system of magnetic locking during longitudinal movements
  • No need for heavy handling equipment, thus protecting the floor
  • Allows better distribution of the weight of the seating when moving it
  • Provides new solutions when designing theatres and concert halls.


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